Bitscape’s Cloud Consulting services

Bitscape’s Cloud Consulting services

September 9, 2015 | Digital Marketing, Cloud Computing

atQor’s Cloud consulting services facilitates our customers to assess parts of clouds as their IT service delivery strategy, categorized which enterprise applications can be moved to the cloud, and also helps to identify target operating models, processes and technology which are essential for using cloud. We at atQor, use different range of cloud assessment to assess the presentation and capabilities of the various cloud services.

In business every owner has these questions, what is the most excellent course to the cloud for your organization? How the organization know which applications to host in the cloud – and which cloud technologies are the best suitable? atQor’s Cloud consulting services can facilitates our clients to speed up their drive to the cloud, renovate IT and reduce operational costs.

Our team of consultants contributes their efforts with you to assess the suitability of your applications for the cloud, choosing the right platform, and define a cloud strategy and roadmap for renovation and growth.

Need of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is one of the unique type of technology which transform the role of enterprise IT division from  operating back office transactional systems of record to operating cutting edge real-time systems of commitment. The reality is to move towards cloud cannot be implemented haphazardly. A suitable and appropriate cloud strategy should take into account which can be technologically fit for each application and environment. Additionally, the probable investment cost and the revenue generated from business should be planned accordingly.

Many originations are realizing the benefits of moving to the cloud. The main part where complexities involved in implementation compared to the term cost benefit which moves fixed costs into operational costs. In reality cloud offers more than just cost saving.  The first question which comes in everyone’s mind is that, WHT CLOUD? And the answer is,

  • In today’s fast growing world every IT department is highly active in doing operational works which consists almost more than 70% of time and money which leave them with only 30% to innovate something new as far as technology is concerned.

atQor’s Approach

atQor will facilities and assist your business goals and objectives to categorized regions where the cloud resourses can be valuable and appropriate . The cloud with high efficiency will be merging with business and application so that in order to identify the most significant area of value. Once the business key strategies are identified, system and applications will be review for cloud viability.  The result will be planned which guides your organization so that you may leverage the benefits of cloud computing while minimizing the downside risk.

  • Evaluations: detail evaluations of existing infrastructure.
  • Classifying pain Points: classifying the point which may create difficulties while employing Cloud in existing infrastructure.
  • Security Audit: Identifying data security concerns.
  • Selecting appropriate Architecture: selecting a appropriate cloud architecture as per customer requirements, fitting faultlessly into their current IT landscape be it private, Public or Hybrid model.
  • Designing of Cloud Adoption strategy: the appropriate and accurate designing of strategy to implement the cloud so that the relocation and amalgamation happens without any fault and issues.
  • Business Continuity: ascertaining the plans for enterprise business continuity with covering backup, disaster recovery, high availability and preventing failovers so that business reamins unaffected.
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