Dynamics 365 On-Premises to Cloud Migration

Dynamics 365 On-Premises to Cloud Migration

May 30, 2023 | Digital Marketing, Cloud Migration, Microsoft Dynamics 365

Dynamics 365 on-premises to cloud migration is the process of moving your Dynamics 365 on-premises solution to the cloud. If you’re considering migrating your Dynamics 365 on-premises solution to the cloud, there are a few things you need to do to prepare. First, you need to assess your current environment and determine what needs to be migrated. You also need to choose a migration strategy and select the right tools and resources.

System analysis:

During the system analysis phase, we will gather information about your current Dynamics 365 on-premises environment. This information will include:

  • The number of users and their roles
  • The data that is stored in Dynamics 365
  • The applications that are used in Dynamics 365
  • The integrations that are in place with other systems

This information will help us to identify the data, applications, and users that need to be migrated to the cloud.


Once we have gathered the information from the system analysis phase, we will create a detailed migration plan. The migration plan will include:

  • A timeline for the migration
  • A budget for the migration
  • A list of tasks that need to be completed

The migration plan will be based on the information we gathered during the system analysis phase and your specific needs and requirements.


During the migration phase, we will migrate your data, applications, and users to the cloud. We will use a variety of tools and techniques to move your data and applications to the cloud.

We will work with you to ensure that your migration is as smooth and seamless as possible.


Once your data, applications, and users have been migrated to the cloud, we will test your migration to make sure that everything is working properly. We will test your data, applications, and users to make sure that they are working as expected in the cloud.


Once we have tested your migration, we will help you switch your users over to the cloud-based version of Dynamics 365. We will provide training and support to help your users get up and running with the cloud-based version of Dynamics 365.

Ongoing support: Once your migration is complete, we will provide ongoing support to help you get the most out of Dynamics 365. We will provide training, troubleshooting, and consulting services to help you use Dynamics 365 to its full potential.

Sections for your migration plan: 

Assessment and Planning:

Here are some additional details about the assessment and planning phases of a Dynamics 365 on-premises to cloud migration:

Identify the goals and objectives of the migration.

The first step in any migration project is to identify the goals and objectives of the migration. What do you hope to achieve by migrating to the cloud? Do you want to improve your business agility? Reduce your IT costs? Improve your security posture? Once you know what you want to achieve, you can start to develop a migration plan that will help you achieve your goals.

Assess the current on-premises Dynamics 365 environment.

The next step is to assess your current on-premises Dynamics 365 environment. This includes gathering information about your data, applications, and users. You need to know what data you need to migrate, what applications you need to migrate, and how many users will be using the cloud-based version of Dynamics 365.

Determine the scope of the migration and prioritize the entities/modules to be migrated.

Once you have assessed your current environment, you need to determine the scope of the migration. This includes deciding which entities and modules you need to migrate. You may not need to migrate all of your data and applications. You may also want to prioritize the entities and modules that you migrate. For example, you may want to prioritize migrating your core data and applications first.

Evaluate the technical and business requirements for the cloud migration.

Once you have determined the scope of the migration, you need to evaluate the technical and business requirements for the cloud migration. This includes things like:

  • The technical capabilities of your cloud provider
  • The business requirements of your organization
  • The budget for the migration

Conduct a risk assessment and develop a mitigation plan.

Finally, you need to conduct a risk assessment and develop a mitigation plan. This includes identifying the risks associated with the migration and developing plans to mitigate those risks. For example, you may want to develop a plan to back up your data in case something goes wrong during the migration.

The assessment and planning phases are critical to the success of any migration project. By taking the time to properly assess your current environment and develop a detailed plan, you can increase your chances of a successful migration.

Infrastructure Preparation:

Here are some additional details about the infrastructure preparation phase of a Dynamics 365 on-premises to cloud migration:

Evaluate the target cloud environment.

The first step in the infrastructure preparation phase is to evaluate the target cloud environment. This includes understanding the technical capabilities of the cloud provider and the business requirements of your organization.

Provision the necessary infrastructure resources in the cloud environment.

Once you have evaluated the target cloud environment, you need to provision the necessary infrastructure resources. This includes things like:

  • Virtual machines
  • Storage
  • Networking

Configure networking and security settings to ensure connectivity between on-premises and cloud environments.

Once you have provisioned the necessary infrastructure resources, you need to configure networking and security settings to ensure connectivity between the on-premises and cloud environments. This includes things like:

  • Creating a VPN tunnel
  • Configuring firewall rules

Set up any required integration components (e.g., VPN, ExpressRoute) between the on-premises and cloud environments.

Finally, you need to set up any required integration components (e.g., VPN, ExpressRoute) between the on-premises and cloud environments. This will allow you to seamlessly integrate your on-premises and cloud environments.

The infrastructure preparation phase is critical to the success of any migration project. By taking the time to properly evaluate the target cloud environment, provision the necessary infrastructure resources, and configure networking and security settings, you can increase your chances of a successful migration.

Here are some additional tips for the infrastructure preparation phase:

  • Start early. The infrastructure preparation phase can take several weeks or even months to complete. Start early to give yourself enough time to complete the necessary tasks.
  • Get help from a qualified migration partner. A qualified migration partner can help you evaluate the target cloud environment, provision the necessary infrastructure resources, and configure networking and security settings.
  • Test your infrastructure. Once you have completed the infrastructure preparation phase, test your infrastructure to make sure that it is working properly. This will help you identify any potential problems before you start migrating your data and applications.

Data Migration:

Here are some additional details about the data migration phase of a Dynamics 365 on-premises to cloud migration:

Identify the data to be migrated and perform data cleansing and validation.

The first step in the data migration phase is to identify the data to be migrated. This includes understanding the business requirements of your organization and the technical capabilities of the cloud provider.

Once you have identified the data to be migrated, you need to perform data cleansing and validation. This includes cleaning up any dirty or inaccurate data and validating the data to make sure that it is accurate and complete.

Plan the data migration strategy and select appropriate migration tools.

Once you have cleansed and validated your data, you need to plan the data migration strategy. This includes things like:

  • Deciding how to migrate your data (e.g., manually, using a migration tool, or using a combination of both)
  • Scheduling the data migration
  • Identifying the resources (e.g., people, time, and money) that will be needed for the data migration

Extract data from the on-premises Dynamics 365 environment.

Once you have planned the data migration strategy, you need to extract data from the on-premises Dynamics 365 environment. This can be done manually or using a migration tool.

Transform and map the data to the cloud environment’s data model.

Once you have extracted the data from the on-premises Dynamics 365 environment, you need to transform and map the data to the cloud environment’s data model. This includes converting the data to the correct format and ensuring that the data is mapped to the correct fields in the cloud environment.

Load the transformed data into the cloud-based Dynamics 365 instance.

Once you have transformed and mapped the data, you can load the data into the cloud-based Dynamics 365 instance. This can be done manually or using a migration tool.

Validate the migrated data and perform reconciliation with the on-premises system.

Once you have loaded the data into the cloud-based Dynamics 365 instance, you need to validate the migrated data. This includes checking the data for accuracy and completeness. You should also perform reconciliation with the on-premises system to make sure that the data has been migrated correctly.

The data migration phase is critical to the success of any migration project. By taking the time to properly identify the data to be migrated, cleanse and validate the data, plan the data migration strategy, extract the data from the on-premises Dynamics 365 environment, transform and map the data to the cloud environment’s data model, load the transformed data into the cloud-based Dynamics 365 instance, and validate the migrated data, you can increase your chances of a successful migration.

Application Configuration:

Here are some additional details about the application configuration phase of a Dynamics 365 on-premises to cloud migration:

Set up the cloud-based Dynamics 365 environment, including users, security roles, and permissions.

The first step in the application configuration phase is to set up the cloud-based Dynamics 365 environment. This includes creating users, assigning security roles, and setting permissions.

Configure customizations, including entities, forms, workflows, and business processes.

Once you have set up the cloud-based Dynamics 365 environment, you need to configure customizations. This includes entities, forms, workflows, and business processes.

Replicate any custom code or extensions in the cloud environment.

If you have any custom code or extensions, you need to replicate them in the cloud environment. This can be done manually or using a migration tool.

Integrate with other systems or applications as needed.

If you need to integrate Dynamics 365 with other systems or applications, you need to do so in this phase. This can be done using a variety of integration methods, such as web services, APIs, or file-based integration.

Perform functional and integration testing to ensure the application works correctly in the cloud environment.

Once you have configured customizations, replicated custom code or extensions, and integrated with other systems or applications, you need to perform functional and integration testing. This will help you identify any potential problems before you go live with your cloud-based Dynamics 365 instance.

The application configuration phase is critical to the success of any migration project. By taking the time to properly set up the cloud-based Dynamics 365 environment, configure customizations, replicate custom code or extensions, integrate with other systems or applications, and perform functional and integration testing, you can increase your chances of a successful migration.

Testing and Validation:

here are some additional details about the testing and validation phase of a Dynamics 365 on-premises to cloud migration:

System testing

The first step in the testing and validation phase is to perform system testing. This includes testing all of the functionality of the cloud-based Dynamics 365 instance to make sure that it works as expected.

User acceptance testing (UAT)

Once you have completed system testing, you need to conduct user acceptance testing (UAT). This involves having representative users test the cloud-based Dynamics 365 instance to make sure that it meets their needs.

Performance and scalability testing

Once you have completed UAT, you need to validate the performance and scalability of the cloud-based system. This involves testing the system under a variety of load conditions to make sure that it can handle the expected volume of users and transactions.

Addressing issues and bugs

If any issues or bugs are identified during testing, you need to address them as soon as possible. This may involve fixing the code, making configuration changes, or providing training to users.


Once you have addressed any issues or bugs, you need to retest the system to make sure that the fixes are working properly.

The testing and validation phase is critical to the success of any migration project. By taking the time to properly test and validate the cloud-based Dynamics 365 instance, you can increase your chances of a successful migration.

Go-Live and Post-Migration Activities

Here are the go-live and post-migration activities that need to be performed for a successful Dynamics 365 migration:

Go-Live Activities

  • Develop a cutover plan to migrate users from the on-premises system to the cloud environment. This plan should include a timeline, a communication plan, and a contingency plan.
  • Execute the cutover plan, ensuring minimal disruption to business operations. This may involve migrating data, users, and permissions.
  • Monitor the system closely after go-live and address any post-migration issues promptly. This may involve troubleshooting performance issues, resolving user issues, and making changes to the system as needed.

Post-Migration Activities

  • Conduct post-migration performance and stability testing. This will help to ensure that the system is performing as expected and that it is stable.
  • Evaluate the success of the migration against predefined success criteria. This will help to determine whether the migration was a success and whether any changes need to be made.
  • Provide ongoing support and maintenance for the cloud-based Dynamics 365 system. This may involve providing training, troubleshooting issues, and making changes to the system as needed.

Methodology and Approach:

Our organization’s migration methodology and approach is based on the following key principles:

  • Planning: We start by carefully planning the migration process, including identifying the key stakeholders, defining the scope of the migration, and developing a timeline and budget.
  • Assessment: We then assess the current state of the environment, including the data, applications, and processes. This helps us to identify any potential issues and to develop a migration plan that addresses these issues.
  • Migration: We then migrate the data, applications, and processes to the cloud. This may involve using a variety of tools and techniques, depending on the specific needs of the organization.
  • Testing: We then test the migrated environment to ensure that it is working as expected. This includes testing the data, applications, and processes.
  • Rollout: We then roll out the migrated environment to users. This includes providing training and support to users.
  • Support: We provide ongoing support to users and to the migrated environment. This includes troubleshooting issues and making changes to the environment as needed.

Customer-Centric Approach: 

Our organization is committed to providing a customer-centric approach to all of our services. We believe that by understanding the unique needs of each client, we can provide them with the best possible service.

We start by taking the time to understand the client’s business objectives, timelines, and budgets. We then tailor our services to align with these requirements. We also take the time to understand the client’s specific needs and challenges. This allows us to provide personalized recommendations and solutions that are tailored to their specific needs.

We believe that by taking this customer-centric approach, we can build strong relationships with our clients and help them to achieve their business goals.

Why we are best than others: 

There are many reasons why you should choose us for your Dynamics 365 on-premises to cloud migration. Here are a few of the most important:

  • We are a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementation Partner. This means that we have been certified by Microsoft as a leading provider of Dynamics 365 solutions. We have the expertise and experience to help you migrate your on-premises data and applications to the cloud smoothly and efficiently.
  • We offer a comprehensive migration service. We can help you with every aspect of your migration, from planning and assessment to data migration and testing. We will work with you to understand your specific needs and requirements and develop a migration plan that meets your goals.
  • We have a proven track record of success. We have successfully migrated hundreds of Dynamics 365 customers to the cloud. We have the experience and expertise to help you avoid the pitfalls that can often derail a migration project.
  • We are committed to your success. We are here to help you every step of the way. We will work with you to ensure that your migration is successful and that you are satisfied with the results.

If you are considering migrating your Dynamics 365 on-premises solution to the cloud, we encourage you to contact us to learn more about our services. We would be happy to answer any questions you have and help you get started with your migration project.

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