Nintex Technology – Completely Customized Business Processing Forms

Nintex Technology – Completely Customized Business Processing Forms

December 11, 2017 | Digital Marketing, atQor

The internet has enabled the ever-important data collection and assimilation to become even more complex and harder. Since the huge volume of content and information is available every day, it’s become essential for small and large businesses to seek better solutions for information management.

 Nintex Forms – Easy and Effective Solutions

Nintex Technology allows you to have Sharepoint and Office 365 designed forms. These can be easily customized into the simple point-and-click format. Pre-defined layouts are used that fit all universal devices, form factor, and screen size.

Nintex forms are capable of removing unnecessary steps from various business processes. This ensures better productivity from your employees. It helps to make data collection easier. Overall, it is an essential tool to ensure higher efficiency for your team.

These are the points that make Nintex Form the best choice for varied business organizations:

  • Easier and faster
  • Smooth integration of workflow
  • Comprehensive accessibility
  • Efficient UI (User Interface)
  • Web-friendly
  • Compatible with universally popular mobile internet devices

How Nintex Forms Help in Better Business Processing?

Nintex Forms are designed for automating various business processes. These help to ensure smooth processing, without the conventional manpower required for it.

From simple departmental processes to company-wide issues, the Nintex Forms are developed for numerous business processes, such as:

  • Contract Management
  • Document Compliance
  • Asset Management & Tracking
  • Employee On-Boarding
  • Field Service/Inspection
  • Customer care, etc

Why Choose Nintex Forms for Your Business?

Nintex forms provide you the efficiency you could only imagine for till now. Let us look at the salient points which make integrating Nintex Forms into your business processing one of the best and most essential business decisions:

Faster, Quicker and Easier

Nintex Forms are designed to be intuitive and can be easily used with a browser. The simple design allows it to be used without the need for any type of client software licensing or installation.

Now you can easily design visually pleasant forms with high-quality graphics using HTML formatting. You can check the preview before publishing these forms for public use. This provides an extensive technique to customize and improvise the forms, according to the specific needs.

Using Nintex Forms, you can:

  • Generate forms to support your business applications automatically
  • Design and publish the forms instantly through browsers and mobile apps
  • Print forms in PDF format, choosing the page layout of your choice

Smooth Integration of Workflow

Nintex Forms are generated automatically, and can also be customized extensively. This allows you to convert conventional workflow into sophisticated and efficient business applications.

With Nintex Forms, you can:

  • Access, monitor and interact with major business applications (online and offline) easily
  • Integrate the customized form with business applications and databases efficiently
  • Use query SQL and online services to design dropdown lists, check boxes, labels, and radio buttons

Comprehensive Accessibility

Nintex Forms can be distributed to users, even outside your system’s firewall, easily. Your mobile applications will allow support of online access. It also enables you to easily capture touch input, camera photos, location data, audio, video, etc.

Nintex Forms increase the efficiency of business processing by:

  • Integrating advanced security features that make it safe for users to access the forms anytime and anyplace
  • Providing constantly better user experience on every platform
  • Using mobile images, attachments, and geographical location data to ensure smooth processing

Integrating Nintex Forms in your business processes is the key step on the path to digitalization and efficiency-enhancing of your business overall.

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